History menu > Street directory of Graham Road, Great MalvernTranscription from Stevens' Directory 1911 which lists the properties in street order, and their occupants. Click to jump to return from Davenham on west side (Right side from Church Street) The Exchange Tyte, WGA, hairdresser, etc Mate, JA, taylor and outfitter Morley, Edward, draper Blackburn, MD, dealer in antiques Haines, Miss B, sweet confectioner Graham Works Broad, T, Ltd builders and contractors Graham House Broad, Mrs Thomas Edith Lodge Richards, Mrs Sarah Jane Town Club Burt GB, secretary Free Library Morgan, FC, librarian Holt, JH, caretaker St Sidwell's To let - apply JG Lear and Son, Estate Agents, Church Street The Oaks Davis, Wm John The Hostel Sanatorium for Langland House School Longfleet Weller, Archibald H St Lawrence Hardy, Miss, apartments Springbank Gifford, Mrs Mary, apartments Gifford, George, gardener Eastwick House Morris, Miss, boarding house Stokefields Phillips, Mrs M Goodrest To let - apply JG Lear and Son, Estate Agents, Church Street Brunswick Clews, Mrs, apartments Clews, Charles Pembridge Steynor, A and H, dental surgeons Seaforth Fox, Archibald Douglas Dalvey Cottage Brodie, Mrs MJ Hillthorpe Cottage Paley, Mrs Temple Mayfield Cottage Void Davenham Perrins, Chas Wm Dyson. Nat Tel No 15 Davenham Lodge Smith, Fred Hy, house carpenter Ivy House Bird, George Allsep, FJ, livery stables Graham Lodge Allsep, FJ Highcroft Gorham, Rev Hy S Laurel Garth Hinckley, Miss Amelia Fairlea Fitton, Mrs Charlecote Twynam, Col Edmund Lemoyne Inglewood Salt, Henry, MD, FCS, FRCS Taynuilt Jeakes, John William To let - Apply JB Harper and Sons, Estate Agents, Worcester Road Granta Lodge Greaves, Henry Beaconsfield To let - Apply JB Harper and Sons, Estate Agents, Worcester Road; or JG Lear and Son Estate Agents, Church Street Barsham House Mills, Mrs Caroline St Dunstan's To let - apply JG Lear and Son, Estate Agents, Church Street Littleford Lodge Guy, Mrs JW, now the Cotford Hotel The Rockery To let - apply JG Lear and Son, Estate Agents, Church Street Buckingham House Izard, Miss Emma, apartments Langland House Farmer, Miss Alice, ladies' school Belford Lord, Miss E Uplands Bolding, Miss MB Montrose Boarding Establisment Gatward, Thomas, proprietor Allan Bank Thorpe Mrs S Graham Lea Broad, Charles C Morningside Davis, Herbert Henry Beauchamp Hotel Chapple, Charles
Last updated 8th October 2018 |